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NAD Sparks Kids Interest in Manufacturing

A common question asked of kids is “what would you like to be when you grow up?” Rarely is the answer “I’d like to work in manufacturing when I grow up.” The perception of young people entering the workforce is that manufacturing jobs are repetitive and underpaid work in dirty, unsafe factories. There is an opportunity to change perceptions of the industry and promote STEM-related careers and opportunities it offers. National Access Design (NAD) has taken on this educational challenge, collaborating with communities where we’re located to help students explore manufacturing.

An Evolving Industry

The industry has changed in the last ten plus years with today’s factories being technologically advanced and innovative. There has been a resurgence in U.S. manufacturing since 2010, and modern day manufacturing is a fast growing and science-based industry providing lucrative careers for every education level. However, two-thirds of the sector’s current skilled workforce will retire by 2030. Despite significant growth, a strong economic outlook, and the availability of high-skill, high paying jobs, the manufacturing industry is facing a workforce shortage. Manufacturers like NAD are having a tough time attracting next generation employees to make up for attrition and support growth.

Part of the Solution

A leading door manufacturer, NAD is always looking for ways to serve as an active and valuable member of the local community. Engaging youth with manufacturing activities and opportunities in their community is vitally important to keeping the talent pool open and stimulating the local economy. One program working to build a new workforce by offering education and training in manufacturing is Impact Agape.

Impact Agape partnered with NAD to introduce local grade school students to the manufacturing process and encourage them to consider a career in manufacturing. During Impact Agape’s manufacturing camp, NAD opened its doors to give these students a firsthand look at a manufacturing facility and working environment. This partnership to show youth the importance of manufacturing is beneficial to Impact Agape and NAD as they work together to educate school-age children who will be the manufacturing workforce of the future.

NAD is a woman-owned business, manufacturing products in the U.S., with a focus on sustainability - making NAD the ideal partner for the manufacturing camp. Cheryl White, President of National Access Design shared that “NAD is deeply invested in being an advocate for getting kids excited about manufacturing, and the opportunity to tour our facilities and engage with our team may be just the spark they need to reignite interest in this growing industry.” Contact us if you’re interested in partnering with us to showcase the future of U.S. manufacturing.